Chelsea Pensioners visit West Lancashire
It was a great honour to receive W Bro John Gledhill back into his mother Lodge on Tuesday the 16th of December.  John made the trip back to see us with his new friend Alan Thubron, who is also a Chelsea Pensioner, but not (yet) a Mason. They met up when John moved to the Royal Hospital earlier this year, and soon became firm friends. They are both in temporary accommodation whilst their new rooms are finished, which will give them a bedroom, sitting room, and en-suite bathroom.
John has taken this trip to visit a few Lodges at Christmas and renew old acquaintances. This was the meeting of Peace & Unity Craft Lodge at Cleveleys. This was our Christmas Lodge, with our Ladies joining us at the Festive Board for Carols and yes, you guessed it, Turkey and Christmas pudding!
Giles Berkley, Alan Thubron, John Gledhill
West Lancs pleased to host 2 Chelsea Pensioners
& Steve Clarke
John is still a member of Imperial Mark Lodge which meets at Poulton-le-Fylde, and also an East Lancashire Mark Lodge, Manchester Engineers.  The presence of one Chelsea Pensioner would have been magnificent enough, and we had two to grace our proceedings.  The WM took the opportunity of taking wine with John and Alan, a gesture which was loudly applauded by all present.
Sandra welcomes her old friend John, and meets Alan
It is great to see you again John!
It was lovely to have John back in West Lancashire, and great to know he is a member of many Masonic Degrees, the Mark being one of them!

Words and Pictures by Giles Berkley